Figured it's the same temperature in Hanoi as in London. Difference is we're not really prepared for that sort of climate. At the moment I'm wearing both my jumpers and still can't stop shattering my teeth, god I wish I'd brought gloves!
Anyway, today we braved the winter coldness and headed out to see the army/war museum. Apart from the fact that we got locked inside a tower and had to look forever for somebody to let us out, it was good. Got to climbe on helicopters and armoured cars, awesome!
At mid day we thought it would be a good idea to get somewhere inside to grab a beer (it's only New years once a year) and found a cafe that looked good enough. Only that the owner insisted we were Germans and didn't give us a chance to argue. This turned out very awkward as my German skills are non existent and Diana had major difficulties recalling any of her four years of German lessons in middleschool. After trying our best to ask for the bill ("ehh bezahl...en?"), getting how much we were supposed to pay("dreissig" "what?" "dreissig" "?" "fünfzehn und fünfzehn" "Ah!!!! Fifteen, Mia he means fifteen!!"), and getting asked where in Germany we were from (answering JA, JA!) we ran away very embarrassed.
Happy New years!
Hoppas det blev ett gott slut trots kylan och tyskan. Vi har firat nyår i Bunn utanför Gränna, bl a ihop med några tyskar - det gick bra med språket dock!! Ni bjöds på en härlig tysk brunch på förmiddagen idag,nyårsdagen. Jag antar att ni tänker er tillbaka till värmen i söder snart, så ni slipper frysa. Kram Mamma Lasse hälsar också!
SvaraRaderaGott Nytt År till er båda!! Ja, nu får ni lite nytta av språkkunskaperna, om än med enstaka ord. Kommunicera är alltid kul och med tiden kanske Mia får visa prov på sina spanskakunskaper? /Thomas
SvaraRaderaPS: Ni kommunicerar väldigt trevligt på er Blogg!